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  1. Google DeepMind introduces Barkour, a benchmark for quadrupedal robots. It does move like a puppy.[1]
  2. Microsoft’s AI-powered solution, intelligent recap, is now available for Teams Premium customers. Intelligent recap will provide users with various features designed to boost their productivity around meeting and information management, including automatically generated meeting notes, recommended tasks, and personalised highlights.[2]
  3. The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) has disbanded the staff of its helpline and will replace them with an AI chatbot called “Tessa” starting June 1.[3]
  4. Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff says new A.I.-enhanced products will be a ‘revelation’. Slack announced earlier this month that it plans to add a whole host of generative AI features to the program, including “Slack GPT,” which can summarize messages, take notes and even help improve message tone, among other things.[4]

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